Hello, friends. This website has long been quiet. Covid invaded my universe, and it did not retreat for a long, long time. I am finally back to 90% and ready to re-engage. This spring, I attended the C.S. Lewis Writer’s Conference, “Cultivating a Writer’s Life,” in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was put on by the C.S. Lewis Foundation and Cultivating Oaks Press, and it was wonderfully refreshing. I met a dozen young writers involved in “The Author Conservatory,” a college alternative for writers. Interesting concept. It was good to touch base with my long-time friend and editor Steve Laube, who delivered one of the plenary talks. I’m fired up to write again, as soon as I can convince my seventeen-year-old cat that I have not abandoned her. I am hard at work on a new novel, another space opera like the Star Wars and Firebird novels. I will post more if anything becomes definite!
Glad to hear you are working on a new novel! Can’t wait.