An interview with J.W. Wartick -“Always Have a Reason” went live today. Click here to read this interview.
Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference
In April 2015 Kathy taught a major morning track on “Writing Fantasy and Speculative Fiction” at the long-running Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. Her topics included The All-Important First Page of a Speculative Novel, Worldbuilding for the Subgenres, and Viewpoint: Alien and Human. She has been asked to teach a …
Getting Ready for the Fusion Fire Re-Release
Kathy was interviewed at length by B.D. Eastman for the April 2015 edition of magazine. The article is near the middle of the link below, with fabulous original artwork! Also, Independent Publisher recently featured Enclave Publishing in an excellent article, in which publisher Steve Laube discusses the Firebird series: And talks …
Interview: Kathy Tyers Talks ‘Balance Point’, ‘The Truce At Bakura’, & ‘Star Wars Legends’
An interview posted at Roqoo Depot went live today. Click this link to check read this interview.

Excerpt from One Mind’s Eye posted
With the e-book release of One Mind’s Eye, we are pleased to post an excerpt from the first chapter on the website! You can read it here.

Recently Released: One Mind’s Eye in eBook
Great news! An updated version of Kathy’s Bantam book One Mind’s Eye was recently re-released in e-book format with Greenbrier Book Company. You can order your copy for Kindle or Nook at or Barnes and Noble. Click here to order your copy today.

Daystar wins the Carol Award
The final novel in Kathy’s Firebird series, Daystar, won the American Christian Fiction Writers 2013 Carol Award in the Speculative category. Very exciting to see Kathy’s work recognized after all these years. From her Facebook page: Much to my shock — and, I confess, delight — my fifth-and-final Firebird series novel, DAYSTAR, was …

Excerpt from Shivering World posted
With the e-book release of Shivering World, we are pleased to post an excerpt from the first chapter on the website! You can download it . HERE

Recently Released: Shivering World in e-book
Great news! An updated version of Kathy’s Bantam and Bethany House book Shivering World was recently re-released in e-book format with Greenbrier Book Company. You can order your copy for Kindle or Nook at or Barnes and Noble. Click here to order your copy today.

Excerpt from Crystal Witness posted
With the e-book release of Crystal Witness, we are pleased to post an excerpt from the first chapter on the website! You can read it here.